Acron launched new carbamide production in Veliky Novgorod

Acron Group launched its second granulated carbamide plant at its production site in Veliky Novgorod with a capacity of 700 thousand tons per year. Investments in the project reached $65 million. With the launch of the new plant, the output of a commercial product (granulated and prilled carbamide) will increase to 2.1 million tons per year.

An external EPC contractor was not involved in the project implementation – technical support and construction management was carried out by the Acron’s capital construction department. The Acron Engineering Research and Production Center, which is part of the Acron Group, acted as the general designer of the construction. The design was carried out using BIM technology.

Acron Group has completed another strategically important project as part of its investment program. The volume of approved investments in the modernization and expansion of production in 2023-2025 will exceed $1.5 billion. Thanks to a large-scale modernization program, Acron has become the largest carbamide production site in Europe. Thus, the Acron Group is actively involved in ensuring the country’s food security and solving the global problem of eliminating hunger for the growing population of the planet, including in the world’s poorest countries.

Recall that in 2020, the first carbamide granulation unit with a capacity of 700 thousand tons per year was launched at the site of Acron. With the commissioning of the second unit, the output of granulated carbamide will amount to 1.4 million tons per year, another 700 thousand tons of carbamide can be produced using the prilling technology.

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