Acron nitrogen fertilizer production has collapsed

As follows from Acron’s press release, in the first quarter of 2020, ammonia production decreased by 0.6% to 677 thousand tons, nitrogen fertilizer output went down by 10.3% to 1.114 million tons, but complex fertilizer production grew by 1.3% to 618 thousand tons.

The breakdown of the total volume manufactured in January-March of this year by the type of fertilizer: urea production fell by 22.3% to 245 thousand tons, carbamide-ammonium mixture output dropped by 37.7% to 265 thousand tons, mixed fertilizer output reduced by 23.8 % up to 28 thousand tons. At the same time the production of ammonium nitrate increased by 20.7% to 604 thousand tons, azofoska output was up by 2.9% to 590 thousand tons.

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