Emmerson completed drilling at Khemisset

The British company Emmerson has completed of its drilling programme at its 100% owned Khemisset Potash Project in Morocco. The infill programme consisted of nine holes and successfully achieved its objectives of providing additional geological information in the area most likely to be the target of initial mining operations in addition to providing enough sample material to complete a comprehensive metallurgical test work programme and detailed geotechnical testing.

The entire drilling programme was completed within the timelines set by Emmerson and under the allocated budget. Final geochemical assays are expected in coming weeks, which will allow an updated geological model and JORC Mineral Resource Estimate to be completed prior to the end of October 2019.

“The completion of our drilling programme on time and under budget, and with excellent core recovery, is a major milestone for Emmerson and a credit to our fantastic geological team. The detailed information from the drill programme will enable the continued rapid advancement of the Khemisset Project with ever-increasing confidence in our technical and economic outcomes, culminating in the release of our Feasibility Study in the first half of 2020”, commented Hayden Locke, the CEO of Emmerson.

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