Emmerson contracted future supplies of potassium chloride

The British company Emmerson signed two memorandums of understanding (MoU) regarding its Khemisset potash project (Morocco). The first of them provides for the shipment of 245 thousand tons of potassium chloride per year to Keytrade for ten years, and the second – a similar volume and for the same period for the Hexagon Group.

“The signing of both MoUs is a significant milestone in the Khemisset project and signifies a pre-contract for 65% of its future potash production,” said Graham Clark, Emmerson’s CEO.

The predicted resources of the Khemisset project are estimated at 311 million tons of potassium salts with an average potassium oxide content of 10.2%. Within its framework, Emmerson expects to build an enterprise for the production of 735 thousand tons of potassium chloride per year.

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