EuroChem signed a agreement with APF

EuroChem signed a multi-year agreement with American Plant Food (APF) for the supply of fertilizers to its blending business.

EuroChem will supply mixed shipments of N, P and K fertilizers, including urea, phosphate, and potash, to APF for handling, marketing, sales and distribution. Under the terms of the agreement, EuroChem and APF jointly will have access to the Greensport Houston deep sea port, exclusively controlled by APF subsidiary American Terminal & Export Company (ATEC), and each company will use it as the main rail hub for deliveries all over the U.S.

“We are thrilled to sign this latest agreement with APF, with whom we have a long-standing commercial relationship,” said Charlie Bendaña, Chief Commercial Officer of EuroChem. “North America is an increasingly significant part of our global operation and we look forward to growing our presence in this important market still further over the coming years.”

“This enhanced relationship will make APF a stronger company with the ability to respond quickly and in greater volume to market demands,” said Tobias Hlavinka, APF President. “This is an exciting move for APF, and a major step toward achieving our long term goals.”

“With APF’s newly acquired expansion of facilities in the Port of Houston, EuroChem makes an ideal collaborator, enabling both companies to grow and enhance their presence on the national landscape,” said Trey Winborn, ATEC President and APF Chairman of the Board.

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