Uralchem to produce ammonia and urea in Angola

A memorandum of understanding was signed between Uralchem and Grupo Opaia at Russia–Africa Economic Forum, which would involve the creation of a joint ammonia and urea production complex. The ceremony was attended by Dmitry Konyaev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Uralchem, and Agostinho Kapaia, President of Grupo Opaia.

The approximate amount of investment in production will be 1.2-1.3 billion dollars. Uralchem is going to arrange bank financing for the project. The launch of the complex is scheduled for 2023. According to the document, Uralchem will be responsible for all issues related to the design, construction and promotion of products. Grupo Opaia will be in charge of the approvals and permits, gas supply and site selection.

‘The planned production capacity of the complex is 1.2 million tons of urea. We assume the construction of the plant would take 4 to 5 years. We hope that our cooperation with Grupo Opaia will be fruitful and we will be able to provide Angola and bordering countries with high-quality fertilizers,’ said Dmitry Konyaev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Uralchem.

Dmitry Konyaev also took part in the panel session “Sustainable Partnership in the Agricultural Sector: Institutions, Tools, Guarantees” organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. It was attended by representatives of relevant departments, industry experts and business leaders. The participants discussed the development of agriculture and industry on the African continent, defined the main goals set out for the Russian and African partners, shared their experience in implementing projects in the African market.

In his speech, Dmitry Konyaev noted that the existing problems in Africa related to food, logistics and technology can be solved only if there is support from both individual countries and development institutions, governments and the business community. He emphasized that Uralchem is willing to offer not only mineral fertilizers, but also digital solutions for farmers, as well as agricultural consulting services.

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