The largest greenhouse complex to open in Russia

The construction of the first stage of the greenhouse complex Michurinsky (Tambov Region) has come to the completion phase. Its area will be 30 ha.

At present, works are being carried out to connect the energy park of the Michurinsky greenhouse complex to the gas pipeline. Workers finish glazing greenhouses and installing heating systems. It is planned to grow tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, salads, greens here. Once the first stage of the greenhouse complex Michurinsky has reached the designed capacity, the volume of vegetable production will amount to 17 thousand tons per year.

After the launch of all lines, Michurinsky will become the largest modern greenhouse complex for protected vegetables farming in Russia. The total area will be 92 ha, vegetable production will increase to 84.3 thousand tons per year.

As soon as the greenhouse complex starts operating in full production, Tambov Region will achieve 100% self-sufficiency in fresh vegetables.

It is worth mentioning that water soluble fertilizers are excellent for growing vegetables in greenhouse complexes, and the Hydrometallurgical Plant (Lermontov, Stavropol Krai) is one of the leading producers of these.

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