The demand for compound fertilizers has not grown in Russia

Active demand for ammonium nitrate from Russian agricultural producers contributed to higher prices for it in both domestic and foreign markets.

Manufacturers reported that large agricultural holdings continue to place orders for the purchase of ammonium nitrate and reserve volumes to be shipped in January. In this regard, the product offering in export destinations declined, which led to an increase in the cost of batches which were meant to be shipped from ports of the Baltic Sea by $ 3 to $ 180 – 183 per ton (on FOB terms).

Farms in the Central Black Earth Region could purchase ammonium nitrate at 13.7 – 14.4 thousand rubles ($ 212.7 – $ 223.57) per 1 ton, compared to 13.3 – 14 thousand rubles ($ 206.49 – $ 217.36) two weeks before.

Manufacturers kept the cost of the carbamide-ammonia mixture at the same levels, despite the rise in ammonium nitrate prices. As a result, carbamide-ammonia mixture – 32 (32% nitrogen) is offered at 10.5-13.5% cheaper than ammonium nitrate.

Lower prices for compound and complex fertilizers on the Russian market did not increase buyers’ interest to them, because the trends in the world market suggest a high likelihood of further price reductions.

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