India wants to get off the potash needle

The authorities of Rajasthan (India) decided to allow private companies to develop potash deposits (whose reserves are estimated at 2.4 billion tons) and thereby reduce dependence on imports of potash fertilizers.

In view of this, a meeting was held with representatives of Tata Chemicals, Hindustan Zinc, Fertiliser Association of India, Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals and Mineral Exploration Corporation.

The chief secretary of the state of Rajasthan, D. B. Gupta, said the state government had already discussed the possibilities for exploiting the potash deposit.

Gupta noted that it is planned to sign an agreement between the Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals, Mineral Exploration and the Department of Mining and Geology of the State of Rajasthan to providing for feasibility studies and the creation of a pilot enterprise for the potash salts production.

“Development and exploitation of the deposits has the potential to reverse the scenario from India being an importer of potash to exporter of the commodity,” added Gupta.

Source: The Times of India

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