EuroChem increased sylvinite reserves by 1.5 times

Usolskiy potash plant (part of EuroChem, Perm region) has completed exploration work at the Belopashinsky sites of the Verkhnekamskoe potash deposit. Based on the materials of the work carried out, the State Commission of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation approved an increase in the company’s sylvinite reserves by 55% of the existing ones.

In the course of exploration work, starting from 2016, 15 prospecting and appraisal and exploration wells were drilled in the area. The obtained geological data will be used to ensure safety during mining operations.

Today, the Usolskiy potash plant produces over 2.4 million tons of potassium chloride per year. The enterprise mines several subsoils of the Verkhnekamskoe potash deposit in the Perm region. Taking into account the new data, the total reserves of potash salts on one of the sites will allow extending the operation of the enterprise’s mine for 25 years.

Currently, the construction of the second stage of the enterprise is being designed. The development of the project for mining the mine field is carried out by specialists from the EuroChem Design Institute – ProTech Engineering.

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