UkrTransAgro has taken up shipment of foreign agrochemicals

It is the first time that the UkrTransAgro company (part of the Mariupol Investment Group) has accepted a ship with foreign mineral fertilizers to its terminal.

A batch of mineral fertilizers in the amount of 5.2 thousand tons (8.6 thousand big bags) from the port of Burgas (Bulgaria) was delivered by the Ramus (general cargo ship) to the order of Sungrain Invest. The big bags with mineral fertilizers will be further sent to farms in Ukraine.

“We regularly analyze the market, monitor its trends, and provide customers with new services that are in demand. A lot of elevators are already offering their customers the opportunity to exchange mineral fertilizers for grain. So our terminal did the same, for the first time. By providing this service to our customers, we allow them to reduce logistics costs and thereby create favourable conditions for interaction with agricultural producers,” said Andrey Leonidov, Operations Director, UkrTransAgro.

UkrTransAgro operates the terminal of the same name in the port of Mariupol, handling grain and oilseeds there.

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