Ukraine calls for restricting import of fertilizers

Oleg Ustimenko, Economic Advisor to the President of Ukraine, has met with representatives of chemical industry enterprises.

“The chemical industry used to traditionally account for 8-9% of our country’s gross domestic product. However, recently it has been experiencing a crisis and a decline in production due to a number of negative factors. Among them is a struggle for the Ukrainian market by foreign business competitors,” said Oleg Ustimenko.

Import of mineral fertilizers from certain countries, which impacts the work of chemical enterprises in Ukraine, became one of the main topics at the meeting.

The participants emphasized the importance of special investigations regarding the import of mineral fertilizers into Ukraine, regardless of the country of origin, which are now being conducted by the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade of Ukraine.

At the same time, agriculture in Ukraine in the next five years may require 1.5–2 times more mineral fertilizers than at present. The Ukrainian chemical industry believes it is able to satisfy the demand for most types of mineral fertilizers.

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