Acron to expand nitric acid production

A new nitric acid production unit with a capacity of 135 thousand tons per year has been put into operation at the Acron plant (part of the Acron Group). This is the third unit built at the enterprise over the past two years. In 2019, Acron launched two nitric acid units with a total capacity of 270 thousand tons per year.

With the commissioning of the three units, the total nitric acid production capacity has raised by 405 thousand tons to 1.9 million tons per year. The total investment in the construction of three nitric acid units has amounted to $ 50 million.

“The construction of three nitric acid units and the production growth of the company’s main products is an important part of the Acron Group’s investment program, based on maximizing the already created production potential. The commissioning of new units makes it possible to further increase the production of basic products, significantly expand the product line, obtain additional raw materials and seamlessly complete existing capacity-building projects,” said Alexander Popov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Acron Group.

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