Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant will boost production investments

The Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant (KCKK, part of Uralchem) continues to implement investment projects at its production site. 1.2 billion rubles (approximately $16.2 million) were allocated for these purposes in 2020.

Last year, the first stage of the investment project for the reconstruction of the ammonia unit at the AK-72/2 nitric acid workshop was carried out. The main goal of this stage was to increase the ammonia conversion rate. Due to the taken measures, the process of the mixing of ammonia with air has become more even, and the efficiency of the entire ammonia oxidation unit has increased.

The number of scheduled suspensions for replacing catalyst gauzes has reduced as well. Previously, this procedure took place twice a year, while after the implementation of the investment project only once a year. This adds 48 hours of operation of the unit, which is approximately 2.6 thousand tons of nitric acid monohydrate per year. The second stage of reconstruction will be carried out in 2021.

The UKL-7 (Unified Acid Line) unit No. 5 in the nitric acid workshop received a modernized turbo compressor. This year, plant specialists continue to monitor the operation of the new equipment and evaluate its performance. If the turbo compressor proves its efficiency, then similar reconstruction may be conducted on other UKL-7 units of the workshop.

The work to improve the energy efficiency of production continues in the phosphoric acid and nitrate salts workshop. At the beginning of 2021, the construction of an additional line for the production of calcium nitrate was completed here.

“This is the largest investment project in recent years. The total financing amounted to 1.4 billion rubles (approximately $18.9 million). Already in February this year, the new plant produces finished products. Additional production volumes of calcium nitrate will amount to 93 thousand tons per year,” said Director of Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant Anatoly Shablinsky.

Another investment project for the processing of calcium nitrate sludge cake will be completed in 2021 in the phosphoric acid and nitrate salts workshop. As a result, the plant will save raw materials and electricity. The project costs 173.7 million rubles (approx. $2.340 million).

In total, Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant will allocate 1.4 billion rubles (about $18.9 million) for the implementation of investment projects in 2021.

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