Sibirsky Cement starts lime flour production

Gornaya Kompaniya (part of Sibirsky Cement), which develops two limestone deposits in Buryatia, has mastered the production of lime flour. It is used in agriculture for the deoxidization of soils. Lime flour can recover the alkaline balance of the soil, stimulate the growth of the root system of plants and, as a result, increase the yield. It is suitable for carrots, tomatoes, beets, potatoes, clovers, alfalfa, buckwheat, onions and flax.

“To organize the production of a new type of product, we modernized the inactive packaging line of mineral powder,” said Mikhail Arkhipov, Managing Director of Gornaya Kompaniya. “At the end of 2019, we produced an experimental batch of lime flour for certification. In April 2020, we started production for mass sales.”

In May, stores in the city of Ulan-Ude received lime flour for retail sales. It is planned to supply flour to agricultural enterprises in the future as well.

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