Spraying of fields is in full swing in Kemerovo region

The presence of pests in the fields made this year extremely difficult for the farmers of the Kemerovo region. Due to the warm and snowy winter, the pests’ hibernation period passed smoothly. The early spring, in turn, promoted their spread on crops.

To obtain a harvest of agricultural products, farmers are implementing various protective measures. Timely implementation of these measures on both spring and winter crops contributes to the successful protection of agricultural plants from pests, diseases and weeds. Moreover, farmers use several methods of work — agrotechnical, biological and chemical.

“Complex approach is the most effective one to maximize yield. After all, if we don’t fight pests, they can completely kill the crops. If weeds are not controlled, they can displace crops and not only destroy the current yield but also clog the soil for many years to come. Each farmer has defined the most optimal methods for themselves in order to achieve the best results,” said Andrey Aritkulov, the Minister of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kemerovo region.

As of today, the Kemerovo region has implemented measures to protect crops from weeds, diseases and pests on the area of 572.7 thousand hectares. 108.5 thousand hectares of vapors were processed (chemically and mechanically). Over 200 sprayers are working in the fields.

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