Acron wants to ramp up ammonia production

Acron (part of Acron Group) is implementing the project to increase the capacity of the ammonia unit #4 by 21% to 2.5 thousand tons per day. Investments in the project will total $34 million.

A heat exchange reformer (HTER) has been installed at the production site. Its weight is about 180 tons, height is 18 meters, and it is almost 4 meters in diameter. HTER will consume up to 20% of the feed gas and will significantly increase the productivity of the conversion department of the workshop.

Earlier, the project included the installation of two cooling towers, additional air coolers, new heat exchange equipment and a production ammonia pump. To improve energy efficiency, the boiler was upgraded as well.

The commissioning of the ammonia unit #4 scheduled for the end of 2020. The launching works will go together with the first overhaul of the unit, which operates on a four-year run cycle. The completion of the modernization project will increase the ammonia production to 900 thousand tons per year. At the same time, the total volume of Acron’s ammonia production will grow to 2.2 million tons per year.

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