Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant now uses virtual simulator

Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant (KCKK, part of Uralchem) has introduced a virtual simulator to teach and practice professional skills.

The simulator is based on the production process in the nitric acid workshop. It teaches the pre-heating of the turbine of the AK-72 nitric acid unit. It is one of the most important operations when starting up the equipment.

Several months representatives of the contractor organization and the workshop have been working on creating the scenario, taking into account all the nuances of the future training program.

“The main task is to teach our employees to orientate at the production site and to know the sequence of actions during the operation,” said the Head of the KCKK nitric acid workshop Andrey Shilov. “The best results of the simulator introduction will be faster training of employees and the ability to maintain the level of knowledge and practical skills in the period between rare production stops.”

Workers have already begun to test the new virtual simulator. They note that it is easy to use, and the simulator broadly and clearly explains all the details of the work.

The developed simulator is the first result of the “Digitalization of the professional skills training” project, which Uralchem launched at the end of 2019. Future plans include the creation of similar training programs for basic production operations, such as shutdown and start-up of units. All other enterprises of Uralchem will adopt the KCKK’s experience of developing a virtual simulator.

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