Potash export from Belarus tries to grow

After signing contracts with China and India, Belarus ramped up the export of potassium fertilizers. In May, supplies abroad amounted to 626 thousand tons, which is 138 thousand tons more than in April. By the end of June, Belaruskali reported on a record monthly export of potassium fertilizers.

In total, for five months of 2020, the export of potassium fertilizers from Belarus decreased by 12.5% to 2.5 million tons by volume and by 28.8% to $929.5 million by value.

207.6 thousand tons of total export volumes were sent to the countries of the European Union, about 22 thousand tons to the EAEU states and 2.47 million tons to other countries (mainly to Malaysia, China, Norway, Thailand, Turkey).

Source: Reform.by

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