PhosAgro continues modernization of the Volkhov branch of Apatit plant

PhosAgro CEO Andrey Guryev held a meeting on the implementation of the investment project for the development of the Volkhov branch of Apatit.

The project started in 2019. Total investments in the project are estimated at 28 billion rubles (approximately $368 million). After the implementation of the project, modern production facilities will produce more than 1.1 million tons of sulfuric acid, 500 thousand tons of phosphoric acid, 800 thousand tons of ammophos and 43 thousand tons of water-soluble ammophos per year. The enterprise will comply with the strictest requirements of Russian and European environmental legislation and will be implemented using the best available technologies.

The meeting discussed the construction works, permission documentation and training of staff. During the visit to the Volkhov branch of Apatit, there were shown the warehouse for finished products with a capacity of 15 thousand tons, the production of extraction phosphoric acid with a capacity of 450 thousand tons and the production of sulfuric acid with a capacity of 800 thousand tons per year. The project is being implemented in strict compliance with COVID-19 prevention measures.

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