Cashmere Capital was awarded as the Best Enterprise of 2020

Efficient work and an increase in the supply of mineral fertilizers despite the pandemic and introduced lockdowns this year ensured the exclusive trading house Cashmere Capital the status of Best Enterprise 2020. The trading house is responsible for all sales of the products of the Almaz Fertilizers plant (city of Lermontov, Stavropol region).

The company export more than 80% of the finished goods, while the full geography of sales includes more than 60 countries. Shipments are made by all types of transport. This month, Cashmere Capital was included in the rating of the best enterprises of the country in the category Wholesale trade of fertilizers and agrochemicals, for which the company was awarded the Quality Star.

This award receive companies included in the All-Russian rating of the quality of goods and services. This rating shows consistently high product quality and achievement of business excellence. The rating is compiled based on official statistics and excludes the influence of the human factor in decision-making. The rating organizers claim that the Quality Star award distinguishes a reliable supplier of goods and services. Investors guided by the Quality Star while building relationships with partners. This award helps to verify the most attractive companies in terms of investment. For the company, such an award provides an opportunity to show itself and the results of its work from the most advantageous side and attract new partners.

The CEO of the trading house Cashmere Capital Edward Gurary received the title of Manager 2020, and the ССО Anna Koroleva was noted in nomination Specialist 2020. The company’s management believes that the award of such level could be achieved only with the well-coordinated work of the entire team.

“Cashmere Capital is the exclusive trading house of the Almaz Fertilizers plant, which produces high-tech agricultural chemicals. The Quality Star award is a merit of the entire team of the holding, which works as a single well-oiled machine. Recognition of our achievements stimulates the company to further development and provision of farmers in Russia and abroad with fertilizers of the best quality,” said Edward Gurary.

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