Ukrainian Mineral Fertilizers has scheduled shipments until the end of January

The Ukrainian Mineral Fertilizers company has agreed on supplies of ammonium sulfate of own production until the end of January next year.

“Although we entered the market just this year, Ukrainian consumers have already assessed the proper quality of our fertilizers. We expect to store at least 10 thousand tons of fertilizer by the beginning of the next season. However, currently, we are forced to sell straight from the production line,” said the CEO of Ukrainian Mineral Fertilizers Oleksiy Afanasiev.

Marketing Director of the company Sergiy Ruban noted that despite the expected volatility of the market prices for ammonium sulfate in the next year, the enterprise was making every effort to maintain efficient prices for its products.

“We see a significant demand for sulfur-containing fertilizers of our production. Therefore, we aim to reach full capacity next year and provide Ukrainian farmers with 100 thousand tons of finished product,” said Sergiy Ruban.

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