Togliattiazot lost a suit against Rosprirodnadzor

The Commercial Court of the Samara region satisfied the claims of the Federal Natural Resources Agency of Russia (Rosprirodnadzor) filed against Togliattiazot to recover 25.560 million rubles (approximately $344.5 thousand).

From December 7 to December 29, 2018, Rosprirodnadzor conducted an unscheduled onsite inspection of Togliattiazot. Following the inspection, Rosprirodnadzor found out that the construction of the railway dock in the Temryuksky region is illegal and recognized as an unauthorized construction. Togliattiazot owns 26.6 km and 16 km of this railway with a width of 2 m.

Based on the exposed violations of the land legislation, Rosprirodnadzor calculated the damage caused to the soil. As the press-service of Rosprirodnadzor reported, the amount of damage exceeded 25.5 million rubles (about $343.6 thousand).

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