Togliattiazot slightly increased production of ammonia

At the end of 2020, Togliattiazot (Samara region) increased ammonia production by 0.7% to 3.041 million tons and carbamide by 6,9% to 839 thousand tons, thereby setting years-long records of their production.

These achievements, amid the restrictions imposed because of COVID-19, became possible due to the implementation of a program to improve production efficiency and modernize facilities, which has been carried out since 2012. Total investments in the renewal of units, growth of their efficiency and safety during this time exceeded 51 billion rubles (approximately $696.4 million).

Togliattiazot also set a record for the supply of ammonia through the Togliatti-Odessa pipeline in 2020. Ammonia pumping rate reached 2.355 million tons. 2 million tons of ammonia were sent to the storage facilities of the Odessa Port Plant (Ukraine).

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