Rostov region may spend $13.6 million on phosphorus fertilizers until 2024

As the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Rostov region, Konstantin Ratchalovsky reported, the authorities of the region will allocate more than a billion rubles (approximately $13.6 million) until 2024 to compensate for the cost of phosphorus fertilizers.

According to his statement, the content of phosphorus in the Rostov region is 23.5 mg per kg. The optimal indicator for the region is 30 mg.

“Starting this year, subsidies are provided for the purchase of phosphorus-containing fertilizers of 100 million rubles (about $1.36 million). This amount will compensate for the application of phosphorus-containing fertilizers on an area of about 50 thousand hectares. Already in 2022 and 2023, a billion rubles (approx. $13.6 million) are provided for these purposes,” said Konstantin Ratchalovsky.

He also noted that the area of arable land with a low content of phosphorus in the Rostov region is about a million hectares.

Source: Interfax

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