Kyrgyzstan banned fertilizer exports

The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Ulukbek Maripov decided to temporarily ban the export of mineral fertilizers outside the country for a period of six months.

Mineral fertilizers are currently imported to Kyrgyzstan from Uzbekistan under an intergovernmental agreement signed in October 2017.

The annual quota is 100 thousand tons, of which 60 thousand tons go for the spring-summer season, and the rest 40 thousand tons for the autumn period. Besides, 30-35% of the total supply of mineral fertilizers to Kyrgyzstan accounts for Russia and Kazakhstan.

Annually, up to 30-40 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers are imported in the autumn and winter period for carrying out spring field works and timely provision of agriculture in Kyrgyzstan. By the beginning of the sowing work, by March 1, the strategic stock should be at least 45-50 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development of Kyrgyzstan and local farmers, in recent years in some regions of the country there have been cases of re-export of stocks of mineral fertilizers to neighboring countries.

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