The strike at Rustavi Azot eases slightly

Employees of Rustavi Azot (Georgia) continue their protest, however, some of the strikers agreed with the proposal of the company’s administration and are ready to return to work.

The top management of Rustavi Azot proposed to increase salaries of striking workers whose income is below 1000 lari ($290) by 250 lari ($72) and by 125 lari ($36) to workers with a salary above 1000 lari.

The management of Rustavi Azot is ready not to withhold wages for the days of strike and to issue an Easter bonus of 50 lari ($15) to each employee.

The other strikers ask for some amendments to the conditions proposed by the administration. As long as they are not accepted, these workers will stay at the entrance to the enterprise. The work at Rustavi Azot is still suspended.

Source: Sputnik

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