Azerbaijan strengthens control over the import of agrochemicals

Food Safety Agency of Azerbaijan reports that Azerbaijan has developed a mechanism to suppress the import of unchecked, unlicensed and unregistered agrochemicals and pesticides.

“To ensure the health of plants and production of high-quality food in Azerbaijan, it’s especially important to comply with the rules of production, import, export, storage and sale of plant protection products — pesticides and bio preparations,” the Ministry said.

For this purpose, Azerbaijan regularly conducts researches based on international experience in the field of plant protection products and the active ingredient in fertilizers.

As part of these measures, Azerbaijan has already improved the process of importing agrochemicals, pesticides, biological and veterinary preparations and feed additives, and the Electronic Agriculture information system received a new digital module.

The introduced improvements make it impossible from a technical point of view to import unchecked, unlicensed and unregistered products into Azerbaijan. When submitting an electronic application for import, the system will automatically suppress an attempt to enter data on unregistered goods.

The Agency noted that the new module has a register of officially registered agrochemicals, pesticides, biological and veterinary preparations, and feed additives, which will ensure the import of only permitted products.

Source: Trend

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