Tatarstan welcomes farmers from all around Russia

In July 2021, Kazan (Tatarstan region) will host a key event in the agricultural industry — International Agricultural Exhibition AgroVolga 2021. For three days, on the territory of the Kazan Expo international exhibition center and the adjacent fields of the Republican agro-industrial center of investments and innovations, Russian farmers will get acquainted with the novelties and the best offers of manufacturers and suppliers in the field of crop production, storage and processing of agricultural products, and animal breeding.

This year, participants will exchange their experiences and discuss achievements at the urban-natural exhibition exposition inside the Expo Centre and in the open air.

Over 300 organizations from 30 regions of Russia, as well as representatives of other countries, are expected to take part in the exposition of the exhibition.

More than 15 thousand specialists and leaders of the agro-industrial industry from Russia and the CIS, Europe and the world will visit the event.

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