Kemerovo Azot intends to implement a large construction project

As the Chief Engineer of Kemerovo Azot (part of SDS Azot), Andrey Vishnevsky reports, the company plans to build a unit for the synthesis of ammonia and the production of carbamide with a capacity of 3.5 thousand tons and 4 thousand tons per day, respectively.

According to his statement, the existing capacities allow producing about 3.5 thousand tons of ammonia and 1.8 thousand tons of carbamide per day. With the new units, the company intends to double the production of ammonia and triple the production of carbamide.

The preliminary cost of the project is €1.2 billion (approximately $1.4 billion). Andrey Vishnevsky also notes that the project is being designed.

“The most optimistic period for us is 2026,” he said.

Source: Interfax

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