Kemerovo Azot followed the competitors’ example

Kemerovo Azot announced the decision of its top management to fix the prices for nitrogen fertilizers of its own production until the end of October this year.

According to the company’s press-release, the decision to fix fertilizer prices was made to support the economic stability and market positions of the domestic agro-industrial complex, which is especially important during price volatility in world markets and in a situation associated with the consequences of a pandemic.

“This measure is aimed at ensuring the availability of fertilizers for farmers and stimulating the purchase of highly efficient fertilizers for autumn field works,” said Grigory Lyashko, Director of the Azot trading house (a subsidiary of Kemerovo Azot). “We are interested in the development of agriculture and ready to support farmers in the current circumstances. The taken measure will allow them to purchase fertilizers at reasonable prices for sowing winter crops.”

Kemerovo Azot may annually produce over 1.2 million tons of ammonia, 1.3 million tons of ammonium nitrate, a million tons of nitric acid, 600 thousand tons of carbamide, 300 thousand tons of ammonium sulfate, and 146 thousand tons of carbamide-ammoniac compound.

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