Kemerovo Azot will get tax benefits

Kemerovo Azot plans to increase the production of ammonia and carbamide in the future. Therefore, the company will build units with a capacity of 3.5 thousand tons of ammonia and 4.5 thousand tons of carbamide per year. Earlier, the company signed an agreement with the administration of the Kemerovo region to jointly create the units.

“The implementation of this ambitious project within the framework of the development of an industrial complex of the Kemerovo region will increase the investment attractiveness of the region and create new jobs at the plant. It’s important to note that the units will receive the newest equipment which will reduce emissions from the production of ammonia and carbamide. It will have a beneficial effect on the environmental situation in the region,” said the Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev.

The implementation of the project provides for the creation of a special economic zone in the city of Kemerovo.

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