PhosAgro will provide discounts to support Russian farmers

PhosAgro announced additional measures to restrain prices for mineral fertilizers for Russian agriculture until the end of autumn field works by October 31, 2021.

As follows from the current decision of the company’s management, a 10% discount will be provided to farms and producers of open ground vegetables, who were hit by emergencies due to natural or climatic disasters (wildfire, droughts, or floods). All other farms and producers of open ground vegetables will receive a 5% discount.

These categories of farmers appeared in a risk zone due to the consequences of natural emergencies, the ongoing pandemic and sharp changes in the macroeconomic situation.

Discounts will cover mineral fertilizers like ammophos and NPK fertilizers that are especially demanded during the autumn sowing season.

Earlier, on July 16, PhosAgro took preventive measures to support Russian farmers during autumn field works, fixing the prices for all types of mineral fertilizers of their own production no higher than July levels.

Today’s and July’s decisions of PhosAgro are part of a set of measures aimed at further increasing the availability of the company’s products for Russian farmers.

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