Acron will provide discounts to Russian farmers

Acron Group announced a 5% discount on NPK fertilizers for Russian farmers until the end of October 2021. An additional 5% discount is provided for consumers located in regions where an emergency regime has been introduced due to natural and climatic disasters (fires, droughts, floods).

“In July, Acron Group fixed prices for mineral fertilizers of its own production until the end of October 2021. Now, Russian farmers can purchase complex fertilizers of Acron with an additional discount, which helps to predict the fertilizers’ expenditures and gives significant advantages over agricultural producers in other countries,” said Alexander Popov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Acron Group.

During the preparation for spring field works in 2021, from October 2020 to May 2021, Acron Group shipped over 930 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers to the domestic market for the spring sowing campaign, which is 27.2% more than in the same period 2019-2020. In general, in 2020, Acron Group supplied 1.4 million tons of mineral fertilizers to the domestic market, which is 93% more than in 2019.

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