Highfield Resources has signed the export port for its Muga project

The Australian company Highfield Resources, within the framework of the implementation of its potash project Muga (Spain), signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Pasaia port administration.

As follows from the terms of the agreement, the Pasaia port will transship up to 700 thousand tons of potassium chloride and rock salt per year from the Muga project. It’s located 150km away and can receive goods delivered by road and rail. The Pasaia port transships up to 3 million tons of bulk cargo per year.

“Our company is focused on the rapid implementation of the Muga project and this Memorandum is another step towards our goal. Due to the Pasaia proximity to the Muga project, this port will become the key one to export Muga products,” said Ignacio Salazar, CEO of Highfield Resources.

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