The Philippine farmers ask the government for support

The agriculture experts of the Philippines ask to increase subsidies for mineral fertilizers to ensure sustainable yields.

“Current fertilizer prices are increasing farmers’ debts before they can plant rice,” said Senator Maria Imelda Josefa R. Marcos.

According to her statement, it’s necessary to protect farmers from the rise in prices for mineral fertilizers to ensure the food security of the country and to organize their production.

Director of the Philippines’ Mineral Fertilizers and Pesticides Agency, Wilfredo C. Roldan, said that half a year ago the price of carbamide was 850 pesos (about $16.9) per bag, now it’s selling for about 2.3 thousand pesos (about $45.6).

The increase in prices for mineral fertilizers is associated with strong demand for them in India, Australia, the United States, and Brazil, while China and Russia have limited their exports to meet their own needs. In general, the Philippines imports 2.6 million tons of mineral fertilizers per year.

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