Russian farmers should not expect shortages of fertilizers

According to the statement of the Russian Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev, the support measures provided by the government will help farmers to purchase the required volume of mineral fertilizers at affordable prices.

Dmitry Patrushev notes that fertilizer prices have increased significantly this year. Therefore, in November, the government introduced a set of measures, which included the limitation of fertilizer exports and a detailed plan for their purchase by agricultural enterprises and farmers. Besides, the situation is controlled and discussed daily with the regional authorities.

“We hope that introduced measures will help farmers to acquire the necessary volume of mineral fertilizers at reasonable prices,” said Dmitry Patrushev. “In general we note an increase in the volume of purchases and application of mineral fertilizers. In 2018, farmers acquired 3.2 million tons, while this year, we plan to reach 4.5 million tons. Thus, over three years, the volume of purchases increased by 41% and the application by almost 15 kg per a hectare of arable land.”

Source: Prime

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