Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant increased the production of its key products

The Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Plant (KCKK, part of Uralchem) has reported the production and financial results for 2021. The total output of finished products amounted to 2.66 million tons.

The ammonium nitrate and nitrogen phosphate workshops produced 1.2 million tons of products. Last year, the workshop modernized the unit for shipping finished products. This has helped to achieve record figures for the shipment of products of over 4 thousand tons per day in big bags.

The complex mineral fertilizer workshop produced 894 thousand tons of finished products. Of their total volume, the output of NPKS 27:6:6:2 exceeded 386 thousand tons, calcium-ammonium nitrate — 131 thousand tons, and calcium-ammonium nitrate with sulfur — more than 53 thousand tons. In 2021, to improve the quality of complex mineral fertilizers, new equipment was put into operation, which ensured deliveries to the most remote parts of the world without loss of properties. The output of calcium nitrate was increased by 36% (compared to 2020) up to 178 thousand tons.

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