Cultivation area in the Ryazan region will reach a historical maximum

Spring sowing in the Ryazan region may begin in about a month, depending on the weather conditions in the region. As of today, agricultural enterprises and farms have almost finished preparing for sowing, the press-service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan region reports.

According to preliminary data, this year the sown area in the Ryazan region will be increased by 30 thousand hectares and will almost reach 1.1 million hectares, which is the record value for the last 25 years.

The condition of winter crops and oilseeds sown in autumn is currently assessed as good.

Fertilizers are delivered ahead of schedule. Taking into account the autumn application, 278 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers were purchased, which is 39% more than last year on the same date. Seeds of spring grain crops have been prepared in the required quantity, and the purchase of seeds of beets, corn and oilseeds is comleting.

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