Perm Mineral Fertilizers invested almost $9 million in its development in 2021

In 2021, the Perm Mineral Fertilizers enterprise (part of Uralchem) invested 921.5 million rubles (approximately $8.9 million) in the development of its production. The investment project provided for an increase in the volume of packaging products in big bags, digitalization of production and overhaul of equipment.

“In 2021, Perm Mineral Fertilizers reduced the time for shutdown repairs and produced the record volume of products at the end of the year. This became possible due to a multi-year program to upgrade the production facilities of the enterprise, which resulted in an increase in the productivity of units and an increase in the stability of equipment operation,” said Alexey Averyanov, Director at Perm Mineral Fertilizers.

The shutdown repairs at Perm Mineral Fertilizers lasted five and half days and included over 1 thousand works. As part of digitalization in 2021, two innovative developments were introduced. In the case of a successful launch at Perm Mineral Fertilizers, the technologies may become new standards of work in the framework of the digitalization of the mineral fertilizer industry.

In 2021, Perm Mineral Fertilizers launched a joint investment project with Uralchem-Trans to expand the packaging of carbamide in big bags to 600 thousand tons per year. The packaging complex was successfully upgraded. Completion of the project is scheduled for the end of 2022. After that, the enterprise will be able to pack the entire volume of produced carbamide in soft containers with a capacity of up to 1 ton each.

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