PhosAgro will increase supplies to farmers in the Vologda region

Apatit (part of PhosAgro) signed an agreement with the authorities of the Vologda region to provide local farmers with mineral fertilizers in 2022.

The document was signed by the Governor of the Vologda region Oleg Kuvshinnikov and General Director of Apatit Alexander Gilgenberg.

The agreement is intended to contribute to the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of the Vologda region. This year, PhosAgro plans to increase the supply of mineral fertilizers to farmers of the Vologda region by 15% compared to 2021 levels. The main volume of most demanded mineral fertilizers is planned to be shipped before June this year during the spring sowing campaign.

“With the signed agreement we will increase the volume of purchased fertilizers to 35 thousand tons, which is 15% more than the previous year. This will increase soil fertility, improve product quality and increase its volumes. This wouldn’t be possible without our partner PhosAgro. To ensure stable spring sowing and fieldwork, we will allocate 1.4 billion rubles (almost $13.5 thousand) to support our farmers during the difficult times,” said Oleg Kuvshinnikov.

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