Azerbaijan offered an interesting barter to Moldova

The government of Azerbaijan intends to purchase large volumes of wheat from Moldova, offering mineral fertilizers as barter.

“State Reserves Agency of Azerbaijan has requested the supply of 100 thousand tons of wheat from Moldova, offering mineral fertilizers in return. Deliveries should be made from October 2022 to February 2023, that is, 20 thousand tons of wheat per month,” said Igor Grigoriev, President of the Association of Exporters and Producers of Agricultural Products and Grains of Moldova.

What kind of mineral fertilizers can be supplied from Azerbaijan to Moldova is still unknown, but we may see the deliveries of carbamide produced by the state oil and gas company Socar.

Socar launched a carbamide plant in January 2018. Consuming 435 million cubic meters of natural gas, it can produce up to 660 thousand tons of carbamide per year. The volume of investments in the enterprise amounted to 800 million euros.

Source: Interfax

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