Azot Group will spend almost $2 billion on its future projects

The implementation of a series of large-scale projects will require the Azot group to invest almost 115 billion rubles (over $1.8 billion), its chairman of the board of directors Roman Trotsenko said.

According to his statement, the Azot group is currently building a production facility for granulated ammonium sulfate and plans to build units for the production of ammonia and granulated carbamide.

This year, the Azot Group organized an engineering and design center, which by 2025 should master the self-production of equipment from 37% to 70% of the total needs of its enterprises.

The Azot Group owns the Kemerovo Azot, the Angarsk Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant, the Meleuz Mineral Fertilizers and Ammonium enterprises.

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