Sergachsky Sugar Plant filed a lawsuit against Schelkovo Agrohim

The Commercial Court of the Nizhny Novgorod region is considering the claim filed by the Sergachsky Sugar Plant against Schelkovo Agrohim (Moscow region).

According to the case files, the enterprise intends to recover 2.670 million rubles (over $40 thousand) from Schelkovo Agrohim. However, the Sergachsky Sugar Plant violated some requirements while filing the lawsuit, namely the company did not confirm the direction of the claim to Schelkovo Agrohim.

So currently the claim has been dismissed. At the same time, the Sergachsky Sugar Plant was asked to submit to the court the text of the claim and proof of its direction to Schelkovo Agrohim by December 22 of this year.

Schelkovo Agrohim is one of the largest manufacturers of plant protection products in Russia. The Sergachsky Sugar Plant is the northernmost sugar-producing enterprise in Russia.

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