Farmers of the Volgograd region are preparing for spring sowing campaign

Farmers and agricultural enterprises of the Volgograd region are preparing to start fieldwork: seed filling, the purchase of mineral fertilizers, the purchase of new equipment and the modernization of existing ones are ongoing.

For spring sowing, they need about 53 thousand tons of seeds of spring grain and leguminous crops. As of today, 94% of the demand is already in stock, and the filling of sunflower and corn seeds has also begun.

In addition, farmers keep purchasing mineral fertilizers. The main share falls on ammonium nitrate and NPK fertilizers – about 16 thousand tons were sent to warehouses. In general, about 86 thousand tons will be used during the spring fieldwork.

Besides, specialists pay special attention to the state of winter crops, which provide 70-80% of the total gross grain harvest. Last autumn, for the harvest of 2023, sowing was carried out on an area of 1.66 million hectares. The main crop – winter wheat – is located on an area of 1.612 million hectares. At the current date, the agronomic district services said the condition of the crops is assessed as good and satisfactory.

In December 2022, experts conducted a large-scale survey of crops in all soil and climatic zones – they revealed a high content of reserve substances necessary to protect plants against freezing during the winter season, the press service of the government of the Volgograd region reported.

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