Uralchem-Uralkali Group sent free fertilizers to Malawi

The Uralchem-Uralkali Group sent 20 thousand tons of complex fertilizers to the Republic of Malawi as a charity. The official handover ceremony took place in the suburbs of the country’s capital, Lilongwe, on March 6.

The event was attended by Russian Ambassador to Zimbabwe and Malawi Nikolai Krasilnikov, Malawi Minister of Agriculture Sam Dalitso Kavale, and representatives of the UN World Food Program and the Uralchem-Uralkali Group.

Delivery to a country in southeast Africa was carried out using a ship for transporting fertilizers by sea from the Netherlands to Mozambique. From Mozambique to Malawi, fertilizers were delivered by land.

For the Uralchem-Uralkali Group, this humanitarian delivery to Africa was the first. It’s part of the company’s earlier announced intention to donate about 300 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers to developing countries. This initiative is aimed at combating the global food crisis.

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