TogliattiAzot had public hearings on construction of the 3rd carbamide unit

TogliattiAzot held a meeting to discuss the next topic “Forecasting the risks of environmental impact in connection with the commissioning of the carbamide plant with a capacity of 2.2 thousand tons per day”.

Representatives of industrial enterprises, the administration and the Duma of Togliatti, as well as public and environmental organizations, took part in the discussion of the project implementation.

The technological equipment of the future production meets all the requirements of industrial and environmental safety. The unit will use the latest control systems with multi-stage protection against emergency situations and cleaning installations. Thus, the dust collection system effectively cleans the air streams of the granulation tower when granulating carbamide. What’s more, carbon dioxide from ammonia production is used as one of the reactants in the new carbamide plant. This will reduce the company’s carbon footprint and the amount of CO2 emissions allowed into the atmosphere by 11-12 million tons per year.

During the construction of the carbamide unit, 6 rounds of environmental impact studies were carried out, including with the participation of international experts. Atmospheric air, soil, groundwater and sewage are monitored on a regular basis, as well as noise measurements.

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