Vladimir Putin signed a law on safe handling of pesticides

President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a law on the safe handling of fertilizers and pesticides and ensuring radiation safety in the food sector.

According to the law, the standards of the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) have priority in this matter. In the absence of such regulations, the legislation of the Russian Federation is taken as the basis. Production control over radiation safety is mandatory.

With regard to the change in the law “On the safe handling of pesticides and fertilizers”, the validity of state registrations of fertilizers will now be unlimited. In addition, a procedure will be introduced for submitting samples of fertilizers and pesticides to the relevant departments. Now the list of grounds for excluding these substances from the state catalog of agrochemicals and pesticides permitted for use in the Russian Federation is fixed by law. The catalog is controlled by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

Innovations will improve control over agrochemicals and pesticides.

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