Belaruskali is suing Siemens over maintenance contract

The Belarusian company requires the German concern Siemens Energy to fulfill its obligations related to the maintenance of a gas turbine engine. It must be serviced and returned to the city of Soligorsk. The Moscow Commercial Court began trials on April 7.

As follows from the terms of the agreement concluded between the parties in April 2021, the value of the subject matter of the dispute is $2.6 million.

The lawsuit was sent to court and accepted for consideration at the end of last year. The preliminary meeting took place in February 2023. During it, the judge asked Belaruskali for the original documents confirming the transfer of the engine to the defendant, as well as documents relating to its value. The German company, in case of disagreement with the complainant’s data, had to provide a counter-calculation. The defendant and the complainant were once again offered to resolve the disagreement that had arisen by concluding an amicable agreement.

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