Atlas Agro will build a nitrogen fertilizer plant in Washington

Técnicas Reunidas has signed a contract with organic fertilizer company Atlas Agro to build a Pacific Green Fertilizer (PGF) plant in Richland, Washington, USA.

The two companies have already worked together in the previous phase of the PGF plant feasibility study.

The nitrogen fertilizer plant will use patented technology for the main processing units. It will be one of the world’s first full-scale zero-carbon nitrogen plants using only air, water and zero-carbon electricity as raw materials.

It will have a production capacity of 650 thousand tons of calcium ammonium nitrate per year. The plant will have the following units: ammonia, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate, electrolyzers and air separation.

The plant will be the first of a series that Atlas Agro plans to build in several regions of the world.

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